Monday, July 15, 2013

Could Art Change the World?

      "Could art change the world?” This was the question 2011 TED prize recipient, JR, threw at the audience during his TED speech. I genuinely believe that art could change the world. In fact, I believe that art has changed the world, and continues to do so daily. However, it is quite astonishing to imagine that not everyone is aware of or shares a similar mentality about art. My belief is that art resides in every individual but it is the responsibility of that individual and society to let this artistry manifest and possibly influence the world. There are some individuals who have been able to influence and change the world with art on a large scale. JR definitely falls into that category.

     JR is an artist, a photographer who uses the streets as his art gallery and museum if you will. He began by posting “fun” pictures that he took on street walls and buildings – illegally. Soon, he discovered a greater purpose for his art. He realized that with his pictures, he shared people's stories, unlocked unheard voices, and stirred up chants for freedom and of happiness from all across the globe. This was how he became a storyteller, a storyteller with art.

     Over the years, JR has gradually become a massive influencer of many. Although I have to admit, his TED presentation was one that caught me off guard as I was unaware of him prior to this event. They say to never judge a book by its cover, which I didn’t because “technically” JR is not a book but I suppose you get the point I'm trying to make.
Here was this lanky tall fellow standing on stage; he was dressed in all black, T-shirt, pants, and shoes, accentuated by a grey jacket, a bowler hat and dark shades. You get the picture? I should consider starting a fashion blog, but I digress. My first impressions of the man, whom in a few moments would have a life changing influence over me, were a little watered down. His first few sentences were rich in profanity, but also engraved in wisdom as I soon discovered. In less than half an hour, JR was able to take me beyond the scope of the universe. I repeat, beyond the scope universe. The simple question, “could art change the world?” had been answered right in front of my eyes. With a little camera and pieces of paper, art had been given a purpose, it had been given a meaning.

     JR’s presentation spoke volumes to me. His directness portrayed his sincerity, and passion for his craft vividly. Another thing that captivated me was the fact that such a “little” concept of pasting pictures on street walls could have a massive significance on the society. I have always known that one could influence people through the lens of a camera, by telling compelling stories that would evoke emotions of empathy, happiness, and triumph. But I have mainly always perceived art as more of a source of entertainment; a clever form of distraction for people from their problems. I never quite grasped the concept that art could be used as a healing tool; a cure for the numerous ongoing issues in the world. Art has no limit; it knows no boundaries. Its possibilities are infinite. So I ask you the same question that JR asked the TED audience, “Can art change the world?”

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